Copyright Infringement Notice Letter from PicRights
Are the copyright infringement notice emails from the company PicRights International Inc. legit or a scam?
How Long Does it Take for an SEO Campaign to See Positive Effects?
Discover how long it takes to see positive results from an SEO campaign: Learn the factors that affect the speed of SEO.
Why Germans Don’t Like WPEngine
In Europe and Germany, WPEngine is considered non-compliant with GDPR. Is this assessment justified, and which alternatives are available?
Why You Shold Not Use Image Sliders
Also known as Carousel Images, Image Sliders as of 2024 are things of the past. Even more, with the new
Benefits of the H1 Tag in SEO
The use of large headers at the top of a page is prevalent in website design and development, but web
Gradient Overlays and SEO: The right and the wrong way
The biggest dilemma of most web designers occurs when they have to add text on top of an image. The
Custom Website Development vs WordPress Themes
When it comes to website development under WordPress, there is often a clash between two worlds: custom design versus templated
The Best Process for Creating Websites
20 years ago, a website project began with design and ended with programming. Today, a website project ideally consists of
Importance of Technical Specifications in Web & Software Development
technical specifications Anyone who has been involved in developing a website or a software knows about the difficulties of the
Negative SEO Impact of RSS Feeds
Why RSS feeds are SEOs worst nightmare and nobody seems to know about this! If you have WordPress or any other CMS installed that provides RSS feeds, you should disable it asap. Here is why…