Common ChatGPT Words
AI Technologies

Most Common ChatGPT Words

Avoid These AI Words & Phrases

Utilizing AI to write articles is now easier than ever. With tools like ChatGPT, you can simply specify a topic and receive a comprehensive article complete with chapters and a summary.

Initially, this seemed like the ideal solution for many, including SEO experts. Thousands of websites began generating fully automated AI content. However, within months, the internet became spammy with AI-generated articles. In response, Google rolled out an algorithm update that targeted and deindexed websites with fully AI-created content in March 2024.

Google has clear guidelines on penalizing AI content and identifying articles written entirely by AI without human intervention. I discuss this in detail in my article, “Is Google Penalizing AI Content?” The key takeaway is that you don’t want to give Google the impression that your content is fully AI-generated.

To help you avoid being flagged, we’ve compiled a list of typical ChatGPT phrases and words to avoid. These are categorized into three tiers below:

ChatGPT Top Common Phrases/Words

Avoid these as much as possible

  • Aternatively, you might consider
  • Another option could be
  • As previously mentioned
  • Based on the information available
  • Closing Statements
  • Drawing from
  • Encouraging User Interaction
  • Expressing Empathy or Understanding
  • First, let’s address
  • Firstly
  • In essence
  • In essence, what this means is
  • In summary
  • In the world of
  • It’s crucial to be aware of
  • It’s essential to
  • It’s important to consider
  • It’s important to note
  • It’s worth noting that
  • Keep in mind that
  • Landscape (e.g., “The landscape of…”)
  • Navigating (e.g., “Navigating the landscape,” “Navigating the complexities of”)
  • Notably
  • One perspective is…”
  • Reflecting Uncertainty or Limitations
  • Remember (e.g. Remember that …)
  • Seamlessly
  • Tapestry (ChatGPT loves that word)
  • Testament (e.g., “a testament to…”)
  • The process involves…
  • There are a few considerations
  • There are several factors to consider
  • This also ties into
  • This is not an exhaustive list
  • This leads us to another interesting point
  • This situation is nuanced, involving
  • To begin with
  • To summarize
  • Vital (it’s vital …)
  • While there’s no definitive answer
  • seasoned (a seasoned expert)

Secondary Most Used Phrases/Words

  • Delve into
  • Take a dive into
  • Beacon of hope

Other Phrases/Words

  • Alternatively
  • Analogies to being a conductor or to music (e.g., “virtuoso,” “symphony”)
  • As a professional
  • As a result
  • Bustling
  • Consequently
  • Crucial
  • Dance
  • Dive into
  • Embark
  • Emphasise / Emphasize
  • Enhance
  • Enigma
  • Ensure
  • Essential
  • Fancy
  • Fellow [nickname]
  • Foster
  • Furthermore
  • Game changer
  • Generally
  • Given that
  • Gossamer
  • Hustle and bustle
  • Importantly
  • In conclusion
  • In contrast
  • In order to
  • In today’s digital era
  • Indeed
  • Indelible
  • Keen
  • Labyrinth
  • Labyrinthine
  • Metamorphosis
  • Metropolis
  • Moist
  • Moreover
  • My friend
  • Nestled
  • Nonetheless
  • On the other hand
  • Pesky
  • Promptly
  • Realm
  • Remnant
  • Reverberate
  • Revolutionize
  • Sights unseen
  • Similarly
  • Sounds unheard
  • Specifically
  • Subsequently
  • Therefore
  • Thus
  • To consider
  • To put it simply
  • Ultimately
  • Vibrant
  • Weave
  • Weaving
  • Whispering
  • You could consider
About the Author
ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. William Sen CEO and founder of Blue Media

Dr. William Sen has been an SEO since 2001 and is a Software Engineer since 1996, and has been teaching as an Associate Professor for some of the world's biggest universities. William has studied International Business at the University of California, Berkeley and among others holds a PhD in Information Sciences. He has worked for brands such as Expedia, Pricewaterhouse Coopers, Bayer, Ford, T-Mobile and many more.

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Most Common ChatGPT Words

Since Google is penalizing fully AI-created content, you should be aware of the words most frequently used by ChatGPT.